This has nothing to do with my old 80's bike, which, sadly, remains in parts in my garage waiting until the weather warms up and it's not quite so miserable out.
So instead, here are some photos from a motorcycle show I attended in Seattle with a couple of buddies.
I loved this Harley Davidson (something you won't often hear me say) 'cause it combined two of my favorite things on Earth - motorcycles and comics! It's an Iron Man-themed motorcycle, with a matching helmet.
Over in the vintage motorcycle area, there was this bike, the Brough Superior. I snapped a pic because it was the motorcycle favored by T.E. Lawrence, and I guess I just always thought it was kind of cool that he was this famous, historic figure who loved motorcycling, just like me. I always have an easy time making a connection with guys who ride so, I know it's ridiculous, but I could imagine having a beer with T. E. Lawrence and talking motorcycles. I would have told him to take it easy on those narrow country roads and maybe he'd have lived longer than 46 years. It's the same thing my friends tell me about the way I ride! Guess I should take my own advice then.
Well, and just so my post includes at least one 80s motorcycle, here's a 1980 Suzuki GS1100, that was on display in the vintage bike area. Kinda funky and not sure I'd ride it, but looks like it took a lot of work to get it looking this clean.
My third year to the show. I'm sure I'll go again.
So instead, here are some photos from a motorcycle show I attended in Seattle with a couple of buddies.
Iron Man themed motorcycle |
Well, and just so my post includes at least one 80s motorcycle, here's a 1980 Suzuki GS1100, that was on display in the vintage bike area. Kinda funky and not sure I'd ride it, but looks like it took a lot of work to get it looking this clean.
My third year to the show. I'm sure I'll go again.