Friday, June 19, 2009

Post-ride maintenance

After logging almost 2,000 miles, my 30-year-old bike is in need of some tender loving care. It needs a good valve job, a real vacuum synchronization of the carburetors, and the leak from the camshaft tensioner is really starting to bug me. Oh, yeah, and I really do want to get a clip for the choke cable, which I lost during my carb rebuild.
My budget is really tight these days so I'm putting off the valve job for the time being because once it's done, I know I'll need to vacuum sync the carbs and I can't spare the $80 bucks I need for the required tool.
But repairing the camshaft tensioner, which will require some new O-rings and a gasket, is cheap, so I plan to tackle that soon. It leaks pretty much all the time now, and is making a bit of mess. I've got the parts on order, along with a new clamp for my choke cable. I figure, since I'll have the tank off anyway, I can take care of that at the same time.
I'm also going to try and figure out, once and for all, the wiring in my headlamp bucket. Right now, my signals not only don't work, but during my last attempt, I crossed some wires so that in order to start the bike, I have to signal right!

In the meantime, I've become really good at hand signals.

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